Wednesday, April 1, 2020

10 Week - Low-Poly

For my low-poly assignment I chose an orange.  I had a very hard time with this project, trying to make it look like an orange rather than a large orange ball.  I want to add some smaller triangles in areas that could use more shading or highlighting.  I also plan to add a leaf and stem so that it's more apparent that it's a fruit rather than a ball. 

I understand the concept of adding movement using triangles and lighting, but I'm not sure how to do that with my fruit choice.  I tried to add some around the edges moving inward to the dark center.  I will play around more with the tessellating triangles to see if I can adjust that, maybe add more pattern rather than random triangles just to fill the space. 

I'm afraid that my vision for this fruit is going to be disappointed in the actual final outcome!